My new serialization, Threads of Me and You (Matou Kimi Hokorobu Watashi) began on July 12th ✨
To those who have already read it -- Thank you so much!😭
To those who haven't yet but will, I anxiously await your thoughts!!
Here are illustrations I drew while counting down the days until release!
Right now I'm working hard to continue drawing the chapters beyond the 3 released, and hope you all will read them when they're out! ☺️✨
Today I went and enjoyed the currently active "shoujo to shoujo ~ yuri mangaka yoninten" (Girl and Girl ~ 4 Yuri Mangaka exibit) at sabineko galley near Kichijoji station!
It was so fun~
I came all the way from Kouchi by plane to enjoy it!
I got to see a ton of different things, and particularly thought that the original manga draft manuscripts were great.
I ended up thinking "darn I wanna do an exhibit too some day"~
I'm happy because I got to buy a lot of merch.... They're just so cute, and I can't wait to decorate my house with them!🩷
I also got a chance to talk with Yatosaki-sensei and Namaniku-sensei about manga, which was great!
I just love talking to other authors about manga!!!
After the exhibit, I ate some tasty food 🍴
I've been running all around ever since moving, so it's the first time in awhile I've gotten to eat out!
It tasted wonderful☺️✨
My return flight to Kouchi is tomorrow, so when I get back I'll give it my all drawing my manga!
Since I was already in Tokyo, I thought I should take the chance to visit my editor, and got a lot of encouragement from them which honestly felt amazing😭
Before this serialization started there was a lot going on, and honestly I wasn't sure if it would be very interesting to people... I had a lot of worries about that sort of thing!
But after talking to my editor I feel like I can put all of that aside and give it my all drawing!
Much love to all of those who read my manga❤️
Threads of Me and You has only just started so there's still a ton of ideas I have for it..!
If possible I'd like to keep writing it as long as I can..!
I'd be really delighted if the sales are good enough to get a physical version published some day..!
From here on out I'll do my best to draw and have my manga reach people all over. 💪
I'll also do my best to continue drawing my manuscripts, so I'll be really happy if you all give them a look when they're ready.
Thanks for reading. I'll update here again soon!