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5/27 Diary | Ayu Inui

I'm sorry for the long delay in updating...!! It's Inui here! It's been quite a while since Comitia, right?! 💦

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1 comentario

Jay E
Jay E
03 jun 2023

Art is so complicated! At least to those of us who were never gifted anything in the "creative realm!" LOL I was born a "numbers person" so a tax law career is what I ended up doing, which normally is about as interesting as "watching lettuce wilt." LOL. Only speak for my country, the U.S., but politicians are getting pushed to the far-right which is jeopardizing the gains that women and the LGBTQ+ community has made in recent years and more politicians are becoming radicalized in the name of nationalism and fighting some boogeyman that isn't really there. And this is affecting the yuri genre I care so much about. In one country we own a vacation flat in, i…

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