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Update and Announcement 3/08 | Ayu Inui

Original title: "Ai No Kotoba" Update Announcement

☘️An update about my anthology, "Ai No Kotoba"☘️

Thanks to you all, I sold out of both my regular and signed additions that for sale on Gallete magazine's BOOTH website!

I can't thank you all enough...!😭

You're still able to buy it at Melon Books' site.

So if you'd like, please pick one up!

About the digital edition sales

We have asked Booklive to continue digital distribution preparations, and it should be publicly available to read online around March 15th.

I think it'll be available from a variety of stores after going up, so please search for a copy once they becomes available!

After digital distribution is confirmed, I'll upload the URLs for the Kindle version and other big distributors here as well. Please enjoy both the digital and physical editions 🌸

We are in talks to publish a translated edition as well.

It may take some time, but I'll keep you all updated😊

Until next time!!


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