I had a signing event in Thailand!
It ended successfully, so this is a reflection article! ☺️
It was my first time in Thailand and my first-ever signing event, so I was delighted to have such a valuable experience in my life!

Upon arriving at the booth, there was a large panel, and I was like, "Eeeeek!!! 😭😭"!!!
Apparently, lily house.-san made it as a surprise, and I was genuinely surprised and happy!!
To have such a large panel made for me... I'm not sure if something like this will ever happen again in my life...
Or rather, I think it's almost impossible?! So, I'm truly, truly happy!!!

And this was also a surprise...!
It turns out that they got messages from the people who were waiting in line for the autograph session...! 😭✨✨
They gave it to me when we went out for dinner, and I was truly on the verge of tears right there in the restaurant... 😢
I felt embarrassed, so I kind of held back... haha
But I was really, truly happy, to the point of talking with a tearful voice...!!

And here are the gifts I received!! I got various items such as recommended products from Thailand, snacks, and tea, and I was so happy to receive them all!!
Each item seemed to be chosen with lots of thought, and as I looked at each one, my heart swelled with happiness ✨✨
I also received many letters, and I was so moved😢!!
Especially the letters with illustrations made my excitement soar!!
Thank you so, so much ✨✨
It was a day filled with joy, and I feel like I can sleep with a happy heart… ☺️❣️
I'll do my best in my own way to draw manga, hoping to receive opportunities like this again 💪